
UNbound | A container of freedom

Thai massage - Shibari - Wrapping

The immersion unfolds with a Thai massage; a meditative blend of flowing yogic movements, fascia stretches, acupressure and rhythmic movement along the body’s energy lines and pressure points. Harmonising and balancing the flow of energy throughout the body.

The body has now entered into a down regulated, receptive state…perfect for the introduction of Shibari. The rope will be tenderly and devotionally wrapped around the canvas of your body in a variety of binds that will feel like the safest hug. Slowly, sensually, meditatively you will be bound to become “unbound”

After the Shibari has been unfurled from your body temple, you will be cocooned in rebozos (ancient Mexican cloths). Your head, pelvis and feet will be lovingly wrapped to provide you with a chrysalis container to dissolve, rebirth and unbind 

The whole session is delivered clothed, on a luxurious pile of sheepskins

3 hours | £188

Delivered in my home studio in Newquay

UNbound | A container of freedom

Find freedom in surrender 

Relinquish your control

Unbind your vulnerability

Submit to trust

Trust in being held

Unfold into the containment 

Be wrapped and held in your divinity

Let it free you from your chains that keep you small

  • "Being tied up felt like a work of God, such a sense of freedom and trust in surrendering control. This is a safe space to let go and go deep. Experiencing a session with Amy-Rose felt like my prayers for healing had been answered by divine forces. Her craft is seamless and her touch feels intuitively guided. I shed tears as I welcomed home parts of myself back to love."

    Shilly Nakedmoon

  • It is undeniably vulnerable to bear our core wounds and inherited traumas and yet the courage to drop in to them, speak them and be held in a tender space of unconditional love to feel them is a deep healing Surrendering myself into her warm and cosy cocoon to accept this holding. She deftly called my body into a state of deep yielding. Dropping beyond time to be receptive for the deeper body work to occur. So many timelines merged as I was transported in her loving arms. There are few words for the ineffable states of consciousness reached. For the ancestral healing of returning to the circle of belonging and re-memberment in my being.

    Laura Hart Swann

  • Amy tied me into a devotional holding with the red rope of Shibari- a powerful experience of remembering the bindings in my bloodline. The knots not easily released. The message from my ancestors was that I was “Not bound in this lifetime” and to stay true to the path of loving those knots in self and others until they can be released and shed in perfect timing. Finally I was wrapped and rocked to seal this template of acceptance into my body This work is a Remembrance and Reembodiment.

    Laura Hart Swann

  • We are not only remembering our priestess codes but reinacting the marrow memory of the subtle and powerful sanctity of sisterhood. It is 8 years since I took my priestess vow in Avalon and this was the perfect temple in which to celebrate the journey I have taken deep into the dark mother in service to goddess in this lifetime.

    Laura Hart Swann