Mother Warming

Ritual Sitz Bath - Yoni Steam - Womb Massage- Moxibustion- Womb Wrap

A delicious blend of multidimensional, ancient modalities to warm, nourish and restore the Mother’s postpartum body temple

3 hours of divine womb cocooning


What if we celebrated new mothers as the birthing goddesses they are? Growing, birthing, nourishing the miracle of new life- the next generation. That her status is enhanced by motherhood. What if mothers were able to drop the martyr-mother conditioning that asking for support is a sign of weakness? What if mothers felt supported to plan out and call in the sacred postpartum of their wildest dreams? An oxytocin temple filled with the deepest nourishment for her healing body. That all the mama’s love and focus could be free to bestow upon the creation she has just brought into the world.

— Amy Rose