
Loving Hands

Lomilomi is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that embodies the essence of loving touch.  Far beyond a physical massage, lomilomi is a body blessing, an honouring and a healing that nurtures the physical body and the depths of the soul. Revered as the Queen of Massages in Hawaii, this devotional bodywork takes you on a sensual, oceanic voyage.

Enter a beautiful temple space where you will be attuned to on all levels. A heated bed and generous amounts of warm coconut oil will anoint, caress and nourish your skin. Long, flowing continuous strokes using hands, forearms and elbows dance across your whole body, creating a blissful sensation that draws your attention away from the mind and into a deep connection with your being.

Oceanic Sensuality

Gentle underbody strokes lift, rock, and cradle you, mimicking floating in the embrace of ocean waves. These tender sensations can also evoke a connection to an archetypal sense of security, akin to the nurturing environment of the womb.

The body is minimally covered with a loin cloth during the session, so there are no barriers to the full-body continuous strokes of the massage.

Can be adapted for pregnancy and postpartum.

2 hours | £111

Delivered at my home studio in Newquay

  • "If you want to have your body worshipped like a cosmic temple and come out feeling like honey - this is for you. Amy is so devoted to her craft it’s like no other massage you have ever experienced before. The word Massage doesn’t even begin to cover it. You will feel like a goddess reborn. Amy’s bodily storytelling of Lomi Lomi is worth a bag of gold.”


  • "A voyage through magical hawaiian waters…Amy’s hands channel the ocean, waves gently ripple through you as you are softly held in the oceans tides, moved like a piece of seaweed, softened into even greater states of surrender until you realise you are held like a queen. This is more than massage, this takes you to a state of letting go of all the things that keep you small, where you feel held in reverence that allows you to remember your divinity."


  • “The most fucking delicious queen like devotion. Feel like I’m wearing a crown and covered in gold. Thank you Amy. There is nothing else like it.”


  • “ So quickly you are transported to a land of bliss, as every sense is delighted with scent, touch, sound and texture. In this space you are so held as you are gently rocked and washed by the ocean like fluidity of Amy’s movements. Stretched and unravelled, peeling back the layers with love remembering your ancient watery origins, the safe space from which birth is possible. You may well feel like something has been birthed; a you that is so replenished and so filled up on love.”


  • “ I felt transported to the shores of Hawaii as Amy flowed like the waves all over and around my body. It was the most incredible experience of surrender. It felt as if my body was being taken by the water, her undulating waves rocking me into relaxation. I'm still soaking in all the magic that found me that evening in Amy's temple. From the music to the scents and the feeling of liquid oil poured over my body like honey I can honestly say | felt like a total goddess held in space by one of the best.”

    Aimee Strongman

  • "Lomi Lomi is an experience beyond words. It gifted me not just full body recalibration but also the deep memories of who I was beyond the mind, the true essence of being a feeling human being and a peak moment of experiencing myself as a sensual being. Every body part was attended to deeply and intuitively. I will never be the same after this experience."


  • "One of the best massages of my life. I felt like un utter goddess, laid next to a fire, medicine music, scents delighting. Amy channelled Goddess Isis, I felt like I was a divine instrument, and that Amy was playing me. Amy made me feel like an altar, and that my body was a temple."


  • "Lomi Lomi is a MAGICAL CEREMONY where Amy flows with your body like a wave, like the sun, like a warm wind touching your skin, letting your soul fly free... the temperature, smell, music, atmosphere all made me feel like a goddess. Unforgettable magic, I can't wait to experience it again!"


  • "Wow! Mind blowing, body melting The touch, the scents, the music… every part felt so intentional and so deeply deeply nourishing. My body was held, rocked, swayed + stroked in the most beautiful way. This is more than massage, this is devotional bodywork, a remembering, a reconnecting. Amy made me feel so safe, held + worshipped."
