Earth - Spirit - Chalice

The devotional bodywork spaces I offer are sanctuaries; an honouring, presence and attunement that many women have never experienced. The alchemy that occurs in these spaces are profound

I create a sacred shamanic temple space to enter into receiving the remembrance of the true Feminine. A space where women can BE and receive; where all parts are welcomed and held. To be embraced in their full spectrum: the majestic messiness of life. To witness their unravelling, their untethering, their homecoming, their becoming.

Held in my beautiful home temple in Newquay.

Pre and post integration zoom call included.

2-3 hours | £155

Roots - Crown - Womb

A ceremonial immersion for the roots, crown and womb.

A sensuous blend of multidimensional modalities: foot reflexology - celestial head massage - rebozo - pulsing - TRE - energy work- sound healing - sacred oils ~ plant medicine ~ womb alchemy

We begin with opening up the portals of the earth (feet) and spirit (head) with a celestial head massage and grounding foot tending. The chalice is then nurtured with a womb, sacrum and digestive massage combined with energy work. A ritualised wrapping of the head, feet and pelvis with rebozos provides a container for both deep release and rebirth. Multiple healing modalities will be intuitively weaved in throughout our session.

  • “Earth-Spirit-Chalice was beyond what I ever could have imagined; I have never felt so safe in a healing session. For the first time in my life I truly believed and felt my body to be a temple worth tending too. I feel like life was breathed into me from head to toe - it’s hard to articulate the magic that Amy weaves but I look different, I feel different, like a huge weight was lifted from me. I feel such gratitude for Amy holding me in my vulnerability and creating such a precious space for healing and integration. Thank you goddess.”

    Laura Charlotte Taylor

  • “Amy’s earth-spirit-chalice offering was such a beautiful, potent experience that has imprinted deeply in my heart. She gave me most nurturing experience I’ve ever had with a therapist, possibly with another human, certainly with another woman. She left my body feeling so soothed, yet awakened. I felt deeply connected to source, and my felt womb get alive in ways it seldom does. I’m eternally grateful for the space Amy held, and holds with deep integrity. Her presence, work and sincere devotion is incredible to behold and medicine for all.”


  • “During my session with Amy, I had a vision of me back in my homeland, by a river surrounded with pine trees, with my future children. It was an epiphany of what I truly wanted in life and inspired me to make a big decision. This is not just body work but brings you into a state of alignment and realisation. It creates a pause in time and space for you to be with yourself, away from the noise of everyday life.”


  • "Amy is so devotional in every movement she makes. She makes you feel seen, held and loved. This craft coming from her soul and you feel the genuine warmth radiating from her to you. I can’t recommend enough to gift yourself this immersion."


  • “I was held for hours in a such beautiful, nurturing, healing, ceremonial space. My body and nervous system given the time and presence to unwind and allow myself to receive. The whole session enlivened my senses and awoke my sensitivity. It felt like a remembrance and celebration of the sacredness of my body. Amy meets you just as you are; with unwavering presence and such warm, attuned hands and heart. I have never felt so seen, held and loved.”


  • “Amy is safe. Safe in her offerings and the space she creates. There is no doubt that what you receive from Amy comes from such deep reverence and respect for you as a whole and your body. Each one of Amy's devotional bodywork session that I have received leave me with such peace and confidence. I walk out with a revived and fresh perspective. She offers you time and space to drop in, and to experience her offerings however is best for you. Amy radiates such warmth, trust and comfort. The touch. The aroma. The time. Every piece of Amy's offering are in devotion to the one receiving. And this you feel.”


  • “Amy, you hold such a potent space for those in need of rebirth, to safely bring forth whatever wants to express itself. I enter your home, your beautiful sacred place and eagerly melt into your altar that you have set for me, my body, my earth, spirit, chalice, that you have not only adorned with the most elegant cloth wraps, but have blessed with your divine, shamanic wisdom. Your wrapping, it holds me tightly, securely, safely as I rock to your pulses and shed these ancient petals of mine. As I lie here, shedding myself to the celestial rhythms that play and the feminine scents that I breathe in, I am deeply connected to my heart by the divine powers of your touch that vibrate throughout my whole temple. Thank you deeply, for awakening, shifting and releasing forces that I hold within. After floating in the cosmic realm, I am uncurled from these intimate cloths and showered with the most divine golden white light that encases my whole being - like a Rose in full bloom. “
