Crone Ceremony
Crone comes from crown, the wisdom emanating from the head. Crones were the leaders, midwives and healers in their communities
Women were once revered in each stage of their lives: Maiden, Mother and Crone. Each stage was marked by celebration and honour. The Crone was recognised for the life wisdom gathered over her years. When a woman stopped bleeding it was thought that she was at her most powerful as she now held all her wisdom within. She was honoured in a ceremony where the other Crones and women in the tribe presented her as a wise one to be revered.
This ceremony and celebration of the Crone and menopause is a reclaiming of the power and age-accumulated wisdom, insights and intuition of elderhood.
Crown the Crone
Each Crone Ceremony is uniquely crafted to your can be simple or elaborate. A symbol of initiation such as a cloak, garland or crown may be used. A symbol of passage, entering through a curtain or threshold. Drumming or rattling to welcome and celebrate the new Crone into the circle. For some it is time to make new commitments or vows to one's self.
Often organised as an intimate group of women who split the investment - many Crones can be crowned!
Investment from £333
(*room hire, flowers, food, materials are additional costs)
Spider lined high priestess
Silver haired wisdom keeper
She who has lived it all
Journeyed through every rite of passage as a w(omen)
Endless cycles of death - decay - regeneration - rebirth
She who has borne witness to the world churning and burning
The hag. Master of what is
Feared and rejected by most
The most dangerous of all
The most powerful of all
A free woman = dangerous woman
She who knows her sacred fuck no
Untangled from society’s web of pretty-pleasing-polite
Long broken free from the prison of the male gaze
She is not shackled as an object of desire
She knows her ageing is sage-ing
The Crone: she who has lost all her fucks
Therein lies her power
Free to claim her own desire
— Amy Rose