Remember. Rewise. Reconnect. Rewild. Reclaim. Reroot.

Welcome Sister. I am Amy Rose.

Wild Goddess Devotee. Rose Priestess. Wayshower. Earth-Birth Keeper.

I am in service to the Goddess, our Great Mother

I serve at the altar of womanhood

I walk the spirallic feminine spiritual path of earth, womb, soma

I am a lamplighter to embodied Goddess spirituality, women’s mysteries, women’s wheels of life and buried feminine wisdom

I support women in remembering their Truth, reactivating the remembrance within

Women’s bodies are the altar at which I serve, offering the sacrament of sacred touch through devotional bodywork

I hold women in the fires of transformation and welcome their return in the realms of reclamation and liberation

I walk beside women through their transformational rites of passage: witnessing, holding, championing, nurturing and loving them

I am an eternal student of the wisest medicine women and aspire to be the future wise elder of my community

A cosmic blend of ancient Earth wisdom imbued with the heart and creativity of a fiery celestial Lioness pours through all my offerings.

I am a rooted woman of the Earth and a channel for Goddess; fully human and fully divine

Honouring the bud, the blossom, the bloom, the fruit, the release, the rot, the rebirth

— Laura Hart Swann

  • “Dropping beyond time to be receptive for the deeper body work to occur. So many timelines merged as I was transported in her loving arms. There are few words for the ineffable states of consciousness reached. For the ancestral healing of returning to the circle of belonging and re-memberment in my being.”

    Laura Hart Swann

  • “Earth-Spirit-Chalice was beyond what I ever could have imagined; I have never felt so safe in a healing session. For the first time in my life I truly believed and felt my body to be a temple worth tending too. I feel like life was breathed into me from head to toe - it’s hard to articulate the magic that Amy weaves but I look different, I feel different, like a huge weight was lifted from me. I feel such gratitude for Amy holding me in my vulnerability and creating such a precious space for healing and integration. Thank you goddess.”

    Laura Charlotte Taylor

  • "Amy’s magic was being able to curate, hold space, witness the depths of another human’s soul, and intuitively journey alongside me. I’m convinced Amy is a goddess, a sacred high priestess walking amongst us and lovingly supporting women by sharing her divine wisdom and many energetic gifts. My experience was incredibly intimate, profound, and something I will always remember. I’ve never experienced such a safe, supportive, wise, nurturing energy."


  • “I felt like I had entered a temple and been initiated into the ways of ancient and forgotten practises at the hands of a wise, ancient priestess. It was beautiful. When you lifted my eye mask I felt like I was in front of a golden arched doorway and walking through it I entered a new life, a brighter view. Since your treatment I literally feel stronger, happier, sexier at peace with myself and proud of who I am.“


  • “Amy, you are a priestess who transcends time and dimensions. A woman who embodies the truth of ALL woman. A space holder, who simply is love.”


  • “Amy made me feel glad to be in a women's body. She made me feel loved, strong and beautiful. I can see why she labels her therapies 'devotional bodywork'. She does just that. For the time you're with her she is entirely devoted to you and your body.”


  • “I floated out feeling so full of wonder and love. It was so joyous to feel a connection to my sexuality and sensuality. My whole body feels alive and loved. The areas I am more slow to love, my tummy, my hips...feel whole and wonderful, and utterly deserving of love. And overwhelmingly, I feel powerful! A devoted-on Queen who has stepped back into her power!”


  • "It's so hard to put this experience into words….. A deep nourishing, a deep holding, where time dissolves and you are held exactly as you are, fully seen & listened to."


  • "Amy was the greatest support throughout my labour and although I have the confidence in myself and physiological birth to say I could do it on my own. I wouldn’t, I’d invite her into that birth space every time given the choice."


  • "You are lulled into remembrance of all the potential you contain. When I opened my eyes I felt opened to a new light, a feeling of being reborn. Amy holds space so beautifully, with such an awareness, love and an intuitive wisdom and deep knowledge of forgotten ceremony."


  • “ I felt transported to the shores of Hawaii as Amy flowed like the waves all over and around my body. It was the most incredible experience of surrender. It felt as if my body was being taken by the water, her undulating waves rocking me into relaxation. I'm still soaking in all the magic that found me that evening in Amy's temple. From the music to the scents and the feeling of liquid oil poured over my body like honey I can honestly say | felt like a total goddess held in space by one of the best.”

    Aimee Strongman

  • "I had the most potent closing ceremony with Amy which has led to the most beautiful new beginnings in my life. Being held in ceremony with Amy was a threshold moment to letting go of the past and opening up the portal to the next chapter of my life. I felt held, seen and honoured throughout. Amy has a very special gift supporting women to return to their power that every woman should experience."


  • "I felt so nurtured by Amy, reminding myself I am also worthy of care after spending all day and night caring for a little one. Her treatment was a perfect witchy, spiritual, sensual, cosy concoction and I loved every minute of being held so dearly. I felt really comfortable with Amy, and she set up such a beautiful space. It was relaxing and reviving all in one. Thank you so much lovely Amy for making me feel seen and cared for."


  • “Amy Rose’s healings are simply wonderful. The space she holds is so devotionally safe and well thought through, to the smallest details, making the journey beautiful from start to finish. The healings that I’ve had with her, the closing ceremony, and the lomilomi massage seem to send me off into the stratosphere of somatic bliss and allow space for profound healings and shifts of consciousness. Amy is a true goddess in service to the healing & holding of humanity, one person at a time.”


  • “My REbirth retreat. A sacred reclamation. Amy gifted me with 4 days of receiving, she devoted her presence, home, energy and so much more than a retreat. I have never experienced such kindness and love where I felt I could surrender to my heart.”


  • "My body has been craving for this unique intimacy without me even realising - every movement, sound, touch by Amy resembled exactly what was required to fully open my heart and body."


  • "I'm still basking in the blissful energy from yesterday. Walking on a cloud. I can't put into words how deeply transformative the closing ceremony felt for me. This is healing at a quantum level. I don't think I have ever felt so held and honoured."


  • "My body let go and my trauma was born into a sacred circle and laid down to rest. In my cocoon I grieved. When I awoke I saw my sister smiling at me, she had witnessed it all, without saying anything she knew. We spoke with our bodies and our energy in entangled magic, the spirits carried away my poisons and returned me to myself. I will always remember my sister’s smile when she held me that day - thank you Amy.”


  • “So quickly you are transported to a land of bliss, as every sense is delighted with scent, touch, sound and texture. In this space you are so held as you are gently rocked and washed by the ocean like fluidity of Amy’s movements. Stretched and unravelled, peeling back the layers with love remembering your ancient watery origins, the safe space from which birth is possible. You may well feel like something has been birthed; a you that is so replenished and so filled up on love.”


  • "Amy, you hold such a potent space for those in need of rebirth, to safely bring forth whatever wants to express itself. I enter your home, your beautiful sacred place and eagerly melt into your altar that you have set for me, my body, my earth, spirit, chalice."


  • "I had the most beautiful free birth I could have ever envisioned for myself and my son. I’m so thankful Amy came into my life to guide me along this sovereign birthing path."
